

As usual the Summer flew by quicker than expected.  Today is October first and we've marched right into the fall season.  Don't get me wrong, while I enjoy the brisk cool air and pumpkin spice drinks and foods, I just cringe at the thought of what comes closely after.  I spent much of this summer outside working, but didn't have nearly enough time to go out exploring and taking photos.  I plan on spending this fall doing just that.  

The majority of my paid photo work is shot using my Nikon dslr, but when it comes to walking around and taking a large variation of photos I also grab my fujifilm x100s.  A while back I picked up the 50mm tele lens for it, which makes it also a very capable portrait camera as well.  I plan on using this camera as much as I possibly can for the rest of the year and push it to see what I can get out of it.  It seems silly to say, but this camera really does have soul and it makes the photographer want to shoot more and in a certain way.  Maybe I just wish I was around when range finders were a more realistic option for photojournalists instead of ugly dslrs haha, but there is still no denying that this camera is amazing.    Below are some photos that I have taken with the fuji over the past couple of years.  

A view of Portland from across the Bay

A view of Portland from across the Bay

Maine Sunrise

Maine Sunrise

Pond in Sebago, Maine beginning to freeze

Pond in Sebago, Maine beginning to freeze

Portrait in Waterford, Maine

Portrait in Waterford, Maine

On a side note, I am very much so looking forward to Halloween and the month of October.  I do love the crisp air and the way it gets dark early but people are often still out doing their thing.  I really enjoy watching the Halloween movies that are always on and coming out around this time of year.  I recently went to the movies and saw the new Blair Witch movie.  I enjoyed the first Blair Witch Project a lot and was hoping that this movie would be good as well.  Overall I think the movie was just okay.  It didn't have the suspense that build up that the first one had.  The first one was successful to me because it was shot in a very independent way and felt like you were really watching a film that was shot by this camera crew of college students that went into the woods.  The first Blair Witch also didn't show any witch at all.  It was all stories and getting lost in the woods and then finally finding some scary spooky sounds/symbols.  This new movie however, showed the creature early on and then left nothing to the imagination.  It felt like it had dragged on at about the half way point as well.  Don't get me wrong I jumped out of my seat a few times, so I wouldn't say it was a waste of money, just definitely didn't live up to the original.  


October Updates


Portrait Shoot - Spencer