Adventure and Winter Thoughts


This summer has flown by.  I can't believe that its almost fall already and then before we know it winter.  I don't hate winter, but over the years I have grown tired of being cooped up inside all the time.  I try to get out and do some hiking in the mountains when I can, but in Maine it gets cold.  Cold enough that outside portrait shoots become nearly impossible.  The snow that blankets the North East is a sight to behold and every year I am amazed by how much it changes the landscape from just a few months before.  Over the past few years I have come up with a feeling of dread when I think of winter.  The inability to be outside and adventure the way that I would like.  Not only the lack of adventure, but the lack of being able to do photography for what seems like half the year, is something that has made me completely turned off to snow and subzero weather. 

I am increasingly thinking about finding a new home, at least for the winter months.  A snowbird is what they call it.  Many people in Maine go south to Florida or other warm regions during the colder months and return every Spring or Summer.  I am interested in seeing other places and trying new things for a bit, though I will always call Maine my home and would return.  I have been interested in the West coast recently.  Thinking about Washington or Northern California.  I  don't think I have traveled enough in my life to be content with staying put for good.  I don't think I have been away from Maine enough to really appreciate all that it has to offer.  I see people come back after moving away for a few years and the way they describe the smells and colors Maine has to offer makes me jealous.  I feel I have taken Maine for granted the past few years.  Vacationland they call it.  Doesn't feel like a vacation to me. 

I have spent the summer working various jobs and sadly not doing as much photography work as I'd hoped and planned.  Living situations and the unknown have affected plans that I had, but maybe that's just an excuse.  If you want something in life you have to go get it.  Recently I have started putting much more time into photography and my business and because of that I have been able to reach many new clients and book more shoots than I ever have before.  The past few years I felt like I was pushing it to the back burner.  Always at the back of my mind and in the front of whatever I was doing to scrap by.  I have found that if I apply myself I can do what I want to do.  Nothing in life is guaranteed and you have to work to get there, but you're going to have to work hard at anything you do so you may as well put your effort into something that you want to do.  Life is fleeting and you only get one so put your effort into making it the one you want to live.  

The photo at the top of this blog post is one that I took last summer.  My fujifilm x100s and iPhone sitting onto of a Maine map.  I love adventures and discovering new places that I have never been before.  I don't think there is much in life that is more enjoyable than finding a new place that I didn't know existed.  I hope to take many more adventures in the years to come.  




Keoka Lake - Waterford, Maine