New York City

I recently got back to Maine from a trip to New York City with my girlfriend. I took my camera around with me to try and capture some of the places we wandered to. It was very cold the past couple of days and though it wasn’t as cold as it may have been in Maine, it sure was chilly in New York City. That didn’t stop us from venturing out as much as we could. Below are some of the photos I took while out and about in New York.

New York City
New York City
New York City Subway
New York City
New York City
New York City
New York City
Joey Roses
Rice Pudding New York City
One World Trade Center

Picture above in the center is the One World Trade Center.

Jersey City

Above is a photo taken from across Jersey City as the sun was setting.

Below is a photo of a 9/11 Memorial Pool.

One World Trade Center Oculus

Above is a photo of Oculus with the One World Trade Center behind it.

Below are some photos taken in the always colorful Times Square.

New York City
New York City
New York City
Central Park

Above is a photo taken from the Belvedere Castle in Central Park.

Pictured below is the infamous Empire State Building.

Empire State Building
New York City Sardines

Think Spring!… Portraits


Grafton Notch