Table Rock Trail -Grafton Notch

Last week I ventured up the Table Rock Trail at Grafton Notch. I had done this before the year prior and it’s become one of my favorite hikes. Below are some of the photos taken while on my hike.

Part of the trail intersects with the Appalachian Trail. When I was younger I would day dream about hiking the whole Appalachian trail from Maine to Georgia.

drop off sign

I was a little surprised at just how much snow there was along the trail. At one point the trail turned to large amounts of snow and ice. On the way down this made the descent a little trickier than I had anticipated.

Below is a view of Old Speck across from the Table Rock Trail. There are a few good points along the trail where you get a really good view of the mountain.

Old Speck Mountain
Table Rock Trail Views

Below is a view of the Eyebrow Trail across from Table Rock Trail, which was another trail that I hiked last year.

Eyebrow Grafton Notch

View from atop Table Rock Trail.

Table Rock Grafton Notch
Appalachian Trail Grafton Notch
Birch Tree Mushroom

Rattlesnake Mountain


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