New York City

Today I went back through some of the photos that I took last month while visiting New York and managed to edit a few that I figured I would post here on the blog. The first photo was taken from my girlfriend and my hotel looking out onto Park Avenue. The other photos were taken in the Dumbo area of Brooklyn. I enjoy exploring that area of Brooklyn except for the fact that it’s a main tourist spot, which is ironic I guess because I am a tourist going there. Still there are a lot of interesting things to find in the area and it’s kind of peaceful in a way to walk around Brooklyn compared to Manhattan. There is still a hustle and bustle to the city, but it feels more low key than the streets of Manhattan.

Park Avenue New York City

Park Avenue - New York City

Preferred Brooklyn

Preferred Brooklyn

George Washington Bridge

George Washington Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

Manhattan Shore and Statue of Liberty

Manhattan Shore and Statue of Liberty



Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Benz - Brooklyn, New York


Chasing Sunrise: A Frosty Morning Shoot on Long Lake